CosmOS Release & Change Log

Jul 23, 2024

Services (Ai & Experiences)

  • Improved Vision (beta) triggering.
  • Fixed an issue that occasionally resulted in grammatically incorrect Ai Mic responses.


  • Bug fixes.

Jul 16, 2024


  • 1.1.5 - Improved location function when user dials 911.


  • Bug fixes.

Jun 28, 2024

Services (Ai & Experiences)

  • Added option to boost Translation (beta) volume. To enable this feature, visit .Center -> select Profile -> Devices -> turn on ‘Translation Volume’ under Beta Features.
  • LLM infrastructure improvements

Jun 18, 2024


1.1.4 Key Improvements

  • 25% longer battery life.
  • 50% longer laser run time.
  • 3x improvement in thermal performance.*
  • 2s faster response time.
  • 10% better Ai Mic reliability.
  • 20% better speech recognition.

*as reported by Beta users


  • Improved latency.
  • Improved accuracy.

Ai Mic Latency + Accuracy

  • Bug fixes to improve Ai Mic latency.
  • Improved contact matching and resolution when messaging or calling.

Connectivity and Experiences

  • “Low signal strength” indicator now appears on the home screen when connectivity is weak.
  • Faster and more accurate results for music, message composition, and contact disambiguation.
  • Improved onboarding flow for users connected to Wi-Fi that doesn't provide internet access.
  • New confirmation dialog when enabling airplane mode via Laser Ink to avoid accidentally toggling it.
  • Users can now dismiss roaming confirmation using a gesture.
  • Added sound when users tap and hold the touchpad when Ai Pin has no connection.
  • Added sound to indicate when Ai Pin is processing or “thinking”.
  • New system sounds for Ai Mic start and end.
  • Improved voice response for connection errors.
  • Improved voice transcription.
  • Reduced Wi-Fi scanning for improved battery life.
  • Increased volume of incoming message notification sound via Bluetooth.
  • Added setting to enable a 6 second delay before passcode lock occurs to allow swapping accessories without re-entering.passcode. Additionally, “disable passcode” option added to Settings for users in trusted environments.
  • List and menu improvements including scroll by long press, layout fixes, and increased font size.


  • Improved thermals at boot, unlock, and first unlock after reboot.
  • Reduced thermal and power load during display usage.
  • Refined and improved hand tracking and laser display rendering.
  • Improved system throttling algorithms.
  • Turned off hand-tracking when playing music.
  • Improved cellular power consumption for limited and no-service scenarios.
  • Disabled location services in no-connectivity scenarios.

Boot Time

  • Various bug fixes to speed up the boot.


  • Added pronunciation field to the account/details page.
  • Added share page when a memory is shared from a user's Ai Pin.

Jun 12, 2024

Services (Ai & Experiences)

  • Improved navigation directions.
  • Improved latency on complex requests.

Jun 7, 2024


  • Autoreload memories dashboard.
  • Use modified date for notes instead of creation date.
  • Add recent/non-recent distinction on memories photo tile.
  • can be accessed without having to login.
  • Add device software version to device information.

May 30, 2024

Services (Ai & Experiences)

  • Vision (beta) now powered by Gemini 1.5 Flash.
  • Improved vision triggering.
  • Accurate nearby places search.
  • Fix music start/stopping unintentionally.
  • Added support for "Call my voicemail".
  • Allow non-US issued credit cards for subscriptions, as long as billing address is in the US.

May 28, 2024

Services (Ai & Experiences)

  • Removed the requirement to say "look" to trigger vision (beta).

May 23, 2024

Services (Ai & Experiences)

  • AI DJ using GPT-4o.
  • Weather and Math fixes.

May 21, 2024

Services (Ai & Experiences)

  • Ai Mic Support Guide improved.


  • Multi-select Captures in mobile using a long press.
  • Bug fixes.

May 15, 2024

Services (Ai & Experiences)

  • Switch Ai Mic to GPT-4o.

May 8, 2024

Ai Bus

  • Improvements to note processing and creation.
  • Precision enhancements made to geolocation in web search.

May 7, 2024


  • Notes can now be created and edited from .Center directly.
  • Bug fixes made to media view layout and rendering.
  • Improved flow between Captures feed and media view.
  • Additional media view and Captures design improvements.

Apr 29, 2024 - Ai Pin (1.1.3)

How to Update

  • Our most recent OTA (Over the Air) update for Ai Pin, 1.1.3, is now available for all customers.
  • Your Ai Pin automatically updates with the latest software as long as the following conditions are met:
    • Ai Pin + Booster are placed on the Charge Pad.
    • Your Ai Pin is connected to a Wi-Fi network (not a mobile hotspot or metered network).
    • If Ai Pin has been powered off, you've unlocked it at least once since powering on.
    • Ai Pin and Battery Booster power levels are 80% or higher. (Tap the Charge Pad while Pin + Booster are on it. You will see a green light if power is 80% or higher.)
  • We recommend charging your Pin + Booster overnight on the Charge Pad to automatically receive software updates and avoid any interruptions during the process.
  • Learn how to update your Ai Pin and verify the software release it is running here.

1.1.3 Release Notes

  • Video Stabilization:
    • Videos captured on Ai Pin will now be stabilized when viewed in or downloaded from .Center.
  • Contacts & Messaging Improvements:
    • Fixed disambiguation flow to be more flexible for users:
      • Message composition will now automatically timeout if you do not return to it within two minutes. In these instances, Ai Pin will say “cancel” in a low-tone voice.
      • Users can now cancel a disambiguation with voice if they are already speaking by saying “cancel” or “nevermind” when Ai Pin finds multiple matching contacts.
      • Users can now modify their intent (e.g. User: “No, I meant a completely different contact”).
    • Fixed issues with contacts matching and labeling:
      • Ai Pin no longer matches contacts that do not have a phone number.
    • Ai Pin now provides additional information if two contacts have the same name or multiple numbers (e.g. Ai Pin: “Did you mean the number ending in 6525?”).

Ai Bus

  • Vision prompt improvements increasing answer precision.
  • Improved location accuracy for weather requests.
  • User support triggering improvements.


  • Bug fixes and improvements.
  • An improved user interface.
  • New Features:
    • Users can now gift or reassign a purchased device, as well as accept gifts and reassignments from others.
    • Users can now check the status of their onboarding and gifting processes at
    • Users can now create and edit contacts with phone label management.

Apr 22, 2024

  • Services
    • Improved stability for contacts import, notes, device fulfillment and onboarding flows.
    • Introduced reminders for users who have not completed web onboarding.
    • Disable vision toggle by default for all users. Users can enable vision (Beta) in
  • Server
    • Ai Mic accuracy improvements across user support, weather, and vision features.

Apr 10, 2024 - .Center

User Interface Enhancements

  • Interface Improvements
    • Introduction of more intuitive designs for the memories dashboard, MFA onboard flow, price formatting, passcode input, and various modal updates for a more user-friendly experience.
    • Numerous design fixes and updates across the platform, including video handbook button enhancements, deletion options, user menu, and icon size adjustments, empty state updates, and more responsive mobile designs.
    • Updates to the account settings footer, improvements in contact UI, and various other minor enhancements and bug fixes to improve overall platform stability and user experience.
    • Fixes to phone number country code selection, copyright year styling, form validation on cancel buttons, and the FCC icon asset for improved functionality and user experience.
  • Media and Content Management
    • Significant updates to filmstrip and media view, including deleting, info modal updates, and fixes for captures and media viewing experience. New feature to allow links in notes added for enriched content engagement.
  • Onboarding and Authentication
    • Improved onboarding experience with updates to MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) design, default logic per method, and additional security features like warning users and updating passcode modals for enhanced account protection.
    • Enhanced subscription management with updates to payment fallbacks, tax calculations, sales tax copy updates, and fixes related to subscription payment and sales tax visibility.

Other Changes and Security Updates

  • Security updates for dependencies like Express and Vite, along with minor changes to improve the stability and security of the platform.

Apr 10, 2024 - Ai Bus

  • Quality Improvements & Bug Fixes
    • Further refinements to matching distinct music queries.

Apr 9, 2024 - Ai Bus

  • Quality Improvements & Bug Fixes
    • Vision Prompt Changes.
    • Notes Agent Changes.
  • New Features
    • Food Agent Testing Updates.

Apr 8, 2024 - Ai Bus

  • Quality Improvements & Bug Fixes
    • General Music Agent improvements, better matches specific queries.
  • New Features
    • Continued bringup for Catch Me Up Ultra.
    • Understand Scene tool Vision in all versions.
    • Save vision image requests and responses in logging.

Apr 5, 2024 - Ai Bus

  • Quality Improvements & Bug Fixes
    • General prompt changes

Apr 3, 2024 - Ai Bus

  • Quality Improvements & Bug Fixes
    • Increased AI DJ & music understanding coverage
    • Improved weather location detection & triggering

Apr 2, 2024 - Ai Bus

  • Quality Improvements & Bug Fixes
    • Improved interstitial verbiage
    • Increased recommendation and note search coverage
  • New Features
    • High-level answer attribution from web results

Apr 1, 2024 - Ai Bus

  • Quality Improvements & Bug Fixes
    • Enhancing the triggering mechanisms for weather and WolframAlpha queries.

Mar 26, 2024 - .Center

User Interface Enhancements

  • General Improvements and UI Polish:
    • Various UI improvements, including updates to the add/edit contact dialog, onboard layout header/footer, account passcode UI, and memories dashboard loading state.
    • Key refinements focus on spacing, navigation, and visual presentation for a smoother user experience.
  • Mobile-Specific Enhancements:
    • Targeting mobile users, such as fixing z-index issues, updating mobile bar color, adding bottom padding to onboarding pages, and ensuring forms are more responsive and accessible on mobile devices.
  • Video and Media Handling:
    • Autoplaying videos in swiper, loading and decrypting videos locally, and updating album art display.
    • Also includes fixing bold font appearance in Stripe elements and mitigating video URL changes in feeds.

Feature Updates

  • Onboarding and Account Management:
    • Introducing new features like accept token error handling, customer order retrieval by email, subscription API updates, and feature flags engineering UI.
    • Notable additions include a new subscription state, disabling self-gifting of the Ai Pin, and changes to the ToS PDF presentation.
  • Security and Privacy Enhancements:
    • Addition of privacy client and scope, with updates focusing on improving the security and privacy posture of the platform.
  • Content Security Policy (CSP) Updates:
    • Adding production cloud to media-src CSP and updating font-src CSP to enhance web application security.

Bug Fixes

  • Browser Compatibility and Visual Fixes:
    • Resolving issues specific to browser behaviors, including missing tile backgrounds in Safari, footer visibility in data detail views, and passcode input fixes in Firefox.
    • Also includes fixes for form submission mechanisms and dialog and phone number input z-index issues.
  • Functional and Behavioral Corrections:
    • Addressing functionality issues such as copy updates, resetting selection state on search, fixing international roaming addons pricing, and various form submission and UI component adjustments.

Security Enhancements

  • Security and Compliance:
    • Implementing changes to enhance platform security, including privacy enhancements and updates to handle security concerns more effectively.

Other Changes

  • Miscellaneous Updates:
    • Wide array of changes, such as updates to emails, cleaning up OTP copy, responsive menu breakpoint adjustments, and version updates for dependencies.

OTA Roadmap


  • Ability to Disable Passcode
  • Battery Swap Support
  • Vision Latency Improvements
  • Ai Mic Latency Improvements
  • Signal Strength UI Indicators
  • Improved Experience for Low or No Connectivity
  • Battery Life Improvements (25% More Battery Life)
  • Improved Thermals (Laser Display, Boot, Unlock)
  • Wi-Fi Scanning Improvements
  • List Scrolling by Long Press
  • Increased Font Sizes
  • Improved List Layout
  • Streamlined Out of Box Experience
  • Better Geolocation Knowledge / Nearby Search
  • General Directions
  • Updated Battery UI in Home
  • Improved Quality of Ai DJ Suggestions
  • Improved Music Playback Results
  • Improved Contact Matching & Resolution

Upcoming Release

  • User-generated TIDAL Playlist Support
  • Timers
  • Alarms
  • World Clock
  • Calendar Integration for Recall
  • Endless Music Playback
  • Personal Voice (Beta)
  • Touchcode Unlock (Beta)

In Development

  • Nutrition (Beta)
  • Agents
  • More Voice Settings
  • Photo Sharing Via SMS
  • Time-based Reminders
  • Catch Me Up on Other Devices
  • Dynamic UI
  • Number Sharing
  • Visual Shopping
  • Content Creation
  • SDK
  • Voice Authentication
  • Quick Actions
  • 1.1.3

    • Video Stabilization
    • Contacts Improvements


    • Phone Calls
    • Message
    • Answers
    • Ai Compose
    • Catch Me Up
    • Search
    • Nearby
    • Notes
    • Memory Recall
    • Recommendations
    • Photo Capture
    • Video Capture
    • Music
    • Interpreter
    • On Device User Guide
    • Some Voice Settings
    • Use on Charge Pad
    • Vision (Beta)
    • Bluetooth Headset, Speaker & Car

    The price for the Ai Pin Complete System starts at $699. Taxes and fees not included. Ai Pin requires an active subscription. $24/month, taxes and fees not included, subscription automatically renews until cancelled.

    For more information, review

    Ai Pin Complete System includes Ai Pin, Battery Booster, Charge Pad, USB-C Cable & Adapter + Charge Case & extra Booster. Applies to Humane Core Plan only.

    * Premium Add-Ons and additional services not included.